About us
The Applied Research group at eBay Israel R&D center explores and provides solutions for deeply complex problems by conducting research in areas of Data Science, Machine Learning, NLP, Recommendation Systems, Information Retrieval, and Computer Vision. We work closely with the engineering and product teams to bring state of the art technology to production environments. The group focuses on a variety of topics, all with a deep impact on eBay’s core business. For example, using ML to make eBay’s data more structured, generating high quality content for eBay’s catalog, offering intelligent pricing suggestions, and guiding sellers on how to bid on eBay’s promoted listings.
Our researchers are owning the full lifecycle of their products: from understanding the business problem, through conducting the research and finding the right ML approach, to production deployment. Think, full-stack researcher / data scientist. Moreover, we see great importance in publishing our work in scientific top-tier conferences (WWW, WSDM, SIGIR, CIKM, EMNLP, IJCAI, SIGMOD, VLDB and others).
Our team closely collaborates with leading Israeli universities:
The Technion, Tel Aviv University, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Meet the team
Is It Out Yet? Automatic Future Product Releases Extraction from Web Data [pdf]
Gilad Fuchs, Ido Ben-Shaul, Matan Mandelbrod
ENMLP 2022
Learning to Diversify for Product Question Generation [pdf] [conference link]
Haggai Roitman, Uriel Singer, Yotam Eshel, Alexander Nus, Eliyahu Kiperwasser
First Content Understanding and Generation for E-commerce Workshop (KDD) 2022
ShapGraph: An Holistic View of Explanations through Provenance Graphs and Shapley Values [pdf] [conference link]
Susan Davidson, Daniel Deutch, Nave Frost, Benny Kimelfeld, Omer Koren, Mikaël Monet
Product Titles-to-Attributes As a Text-to-Text Task [pdf] [conference link]
Gilad Fuchs, Yoni Acriche
Proceedings of The Fifth Workshop on e-Commerce and NLP (ECNLP 5), ACL’2022
Classifier Construction Under Budget Constraints [pdf]
Shay Gershtein, Tova Milo, Slava Novgorodov, Kathy Razmadze
SIGMOD’22 – June 2022, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
On the Hardness of Category Tree Construction [pdf]
Shay Gershtein, Uri Avron, Ido Guy, Tova Milo, Slava Novgorodov
ICDT’22 – March 2022, Edinburgh, UK
Sequential Modeling with Multiple Attributes for Watchlist Recommendation in E-Commerce [pdf] [conference link]
Uriel Singer, Haggai Roitman, Yotam Eshel, Alexander Nus, Ido Guy, Or Levi, Idan Hasson, Eliyahu Kiperwasser
International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), 2022
Natural Language Processing for Recommender Systems [conference link]
Oren Sar Shalom, Haggai Roitman, Pigi Kuki
Book chapter in the Handbook of Recommender Systems, 2022
An Image is Worth a Thousand Terms? Analysis of Visual E-Commerce Search [Conference Link]
Arnon Dagan, Ido Guy, Slava Novgorodov
SIGIR’21 – July 2021, Montreal, Canada
PreSizE: Predicting Size in E-Commerce using Transformers [pdf] [conference link]
Yotam Eshel, Or Levi, Haggai Roitman, Alexander Nus
ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR), 2021
Automatic Form Filling with Form-BERT [pdf] [conference link]
Gilad Fuchs, Haggai Roitman, Matan Mandelbrod
ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR), 2021
Improving Constrained Search Results By Data Melioration
Ido Guy, Tova Milo, Slava Novgorodov, Brit Youngmann,
ICDE’21 – April 2021, Chania, Greece
ConCaT: Construction of Category Trees from Search Queries in E-Commerce
Uri Avron, Shay Gershtein, Ido Guy, Tova Milo, Slava Novgorodov,
ICDE’21 – April 2021, Chania, Greece
Category Recognition in E-Commerce using Sequence-to-Sequence Hierarchical Classification [pdf] [conference link]
Idan Hasson, Slava Novgorodov, Gilad Fuchs, Yoni Acriche
WSDM’21 – March 2021, Jerusalem, Israel
Generating Tips from Product Reviews [pdf] [conference link]
Sharon Hirsch, Slava Novgorodov, Ido Guy, Alexander Nus
WSDM’21 – March 2021, Jerusalem, Israel
Event-driven Query Expansion
Guy Rosin, Ido Guy, Kira Radinsky,
WSDM’21 – March 2021, Jerusalem, Israel
Descriptions from the Customers: Comparative Analysis of Review-based Product Description Generation Methods [Conference Link]
Slava Novgorodov, Ido Guy, Guy Elad, Kira Radinsky
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol. 20, Issue 4, Article 44 (October 2020)
Intent-Driven Similarity in E-Commerce Listings [pdf] [conference link]
Gilad Fuchs, Yoni Acrich, Idan Hasson, Pavel Petrov
CIKM’20 – October 2020, Galway, Ireland
E-Commerce Dispute Resolution Prediction [Conference Link]
David Tsurel, Michael Doron, Alexander Nus, Arnon Dagan, Ido Guy, Dafna Shahaf
CIKM’20 – October 2020, Galway, Ireland
tdGraphEmbed: Temporal Dynamic Graph-Level Embedding [Conference Link]
Moran Beladev, Lior Rokach, Gilad Katz, Ido Guy, Kira Radinsky
CIKM’20 – October 2020, Galway, Ireland
CONCIERGE: Improving Constrained Search Results by Data Melioration [Conference Link]
Ido Guy, Tova Milo, Slava Novgorodov, Brit Youngmann
VLDB’20 – August 2020, Tokyo, Japan
ICTIR Tutorial: Modern Query Performance Prediction: Theory and Practice [Conference Link]
Haggai Roitman
ICTIR’ 2020
Product Bundle Identification using Semi-Supervised Learning [Conference Link]
Hen Tzaban, Ido Guy, Asnat Greenstein-Messica, Arnon Dagan, Lior Rokach, Bracha Shapira
SIGIR’20 – July 2020, Xi’an, China
Query Reformulation in E-Commerce Search [pdf] [conference link]
Sharon Hirsch, Ido Guy, Alexander Nus, Arnon Dagan, Oren Kurland
SIGIR’20 – July 2020, Xi’an, China
MC3: A System for Minimization of Classifier Construction Cost [Conference Link]
Shay Gershtein, Tova Milo, Gefen Morami, Slava Novgorodov
SIGMOD’20 – June 2020, Portland, Oregon, USA
Minimization of Classifier Construction Cost for Search Queries [Conference Link]
Shay Gershtein, Tova Milo, Gefen Morami, Slava Novgorodov
SIGMOD’20 – June 2020, Portland, Oregon, USA
Not Reffe
Inventory Reduction via Maximal Coverage in E-Commerce [pdf]
Shay Gershtein, Tova Milo, Slava Novgorodov
EDBT’20 – March 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark
Cross-Cultural Transfer Learning for Text Classification [Conference Link]
Dor Ringel, Gal Lavee, Ido Guy, Kira Radinsky
EMNLP’19 – November 2019, Hong Kong, China
Learning to Generate Personalized Product Descriptions [Conference Link]
Guy Elad, Ido Guy, Slava Novgorodov, Benny Kimelfeld, Kira Radinsky
CIKM’19 – November 2019, Beijing, China
ReducE-Comm: Effective Inventory Reduction System for E-Commerce [Conference Link]
Shay Gershtein, Tova Milo, Slava Novgorodov
CIKM’19 – November 2019, Beijing, China
Node Embedding over Temporal Graphs [Conference Link]
Uriel Singer, Ido Guy, Kira Radinsky
IJCAI’19 – August 2019, Macao, China
Generating Product Descriptions from User Reviews [Conference Link]
Slava Novgorodov, Ido Guy, Guy Elad, Kira Radinsky
The Web Conference ’19 – May 2019, San Francisco, California, USA
Query Driven Data Labeling with Experts: Why Pay Twice? [pdf]
Eyal Dushkin, Shay Gershtein, Tova Milo, Slava Novgorodov
EDBT’19 – March 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
An Image is Worth a Thousand Terms? Analysis of Visual E-Commerce Search
SIGIR 2021 – July 2021, Montreal, Canada
PreSizE: Predicting Size in E-Commerce using TransformersA
SIGIR 2021 – July 2021, Montreal, Canada
Automatic Form Filling with Form-Bert
Improving Constrained Search Results By Data Melioration
ConCaT: Construction of Category Trees from Search Queries in ECommerce
Uri Avron, Shay Gershtein, Ido Guy, Tova Milo, Slava Novgorodov
ICDE’ 21 April 2021 , Chania, Greece
Category Recognition in E-Commerce using Sequence-to-Sequence Hierarchical Classification
Generating Tips from Product Reviews
Sharon Hirsch, Slava Novgorodov, Ido Guy, Alexander Nus
WSDM’21 – March 2021, Jerusalem, Israel
Event-driven Query Expansion
Descriptions from the Customers: Comparative Analysis of Review-based Product Description Generation Methods
Intent-Driven Similarity in E-Commerce Listings
E-Commerce Dispute Resolution Prediction
tdGraphEmbed: Temporal Dynamic Graph-Level Embedding
CONCIERGE: Improving Constrained Search Results by Data Melioration
Ido Guy, Tova Milo, Slava Novgorodov, Brit Youngmann
VLDB’20 – August 2020, Tokyo, Japan
Product Bundle Identification using Semi-Supervised Learning
Hen Tzaban, Ido Guy, Asnat Greenstein-Messica, Arnon Dagan, Lior Rokach, Bracha Shapira
Query Reformulation in E-Commerce Search
Sharon Hirsch, Ido Guy, Alexander Nus, Arnon Dagan, Oren Kurland
SIGIR’20 – July 2020, Xi’an, China
MC3: A System for Minimization of Classifier Construction Cost
Minimization of Classifier Construction Cost for Search Queries